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CLARA FARMS is a Mixed Integrated Self Sustained Farm with zero waste and 100% renewable energy utilization.
As a mixed farm, we incorporate the growing of crops and raising of livestock within the same ecosystem where each organism contributes to the growth of another.
Our main objective is to become West Africa’s first Integrated Farm. We plan on achieving this by incorporating a farming system that produces high quality organic livestock feed, using the raw materials grown from our own soil, and by processing every possible by-product to derive additional commodities. Our intention is to do this by utilizing one hundred percent renewable energy, harnessing the power of the sun, water, soil, air and converting our very own bio waste into biogas thereby regulating factors to farm sustainably and with very little polluting inputs as possible

Who We Are
CLARA FARMS is an Agritech Company founded to revolutionize the food processing industry in Nigeria by focusing on reducing waste products from food processing and repurposing them to non -food value added products.
What We Are Doing
CLARA Farms entered the Aggrotech Food processing space starting with the Oil Palm Industry and intends to provide a solution to much of the needed pain in the industry by approaching and tackling current methods of processing of the Oil Palm Kernel and replacing them with more efficient ways thereby increasing more value-added products.
Clara Farms is seeking to expand the current Oil Palm kernel value chains by transforming palm oil waste byproducts into non-food goods. We plan to fully control the supply chain logistics in processing more oil palm kernels and manufacturing key valuable non-food products derived from the waste products, thereby increasing maximum profitability. After extensive research and similar comparisons with the Asian Oil Palm sector, we found many untapped opportunities in the Nigerian oil palm sector simply by plugging the hole if we could convert the waste materials into valuable products.

Why We Are Doing This
Nigeria a country with a population of over 200 million people is currently facing dire threats of hunger and starvation according to the Global Hunger Index. The average common person can barely afford to eat twice a day in Nigeria. While most of the reasons for this hunger can be attributed to the government’s poor method of governance and socio-economic disadvantages, much of the problem can also be attributed to losses from simple methods of food processing.
Wastage occurs in almost every aspect of food processing in Nigeria, from post-harvest losses to logistic failures to lack of modern technology driven food processing that enables the maximum potential yield and value addition in any given product chain.